Friday, June 23, 2006

Green and Black-and-Tan

George's brothers fought and died
To a man in the Great War, for the King
Whilst too young, he was left to labour
In the Lancashire mines so hard

One day came a sargeant so smart
"Serve in the Black and Tans" said he
"For our Noble King against those Irish who dare
Rebel against our Country and our Way"

What could George do but agree?
Here was honour, or so he thought
That same that his brothers had won
Far better than the slavery of home

He was given a new uniform to wear
Half policman, half desert soldier
His mother proud waved her son goodbye
From the grandeur of Liverpool Quay

But it wasn't long after young George realised
He had made the biggest mistake of his life
He hated the things he was ordered to do
But where to run, in a foreign land?

Till one day in a village they sheltered the night
Sweet Mary Kelly came into his life
With her sapphire eyes and her chestnut hair
Young George had never seen a girl so fair

"I'll marry that lass" George straightway vowed
"Start over again in Delvin Town
"For it seems like heaven in these green hills
"Far away from the grime of the Lancashire mills"

He deserted the Army and hid in her sod house
And married her in the wee church in the town
And soon came a daughter, and another wee child
But the villagers hated the soldier, the traitor worse

Young Mary said "Take us to England
"I've heard it's a land of plenty"
"Not the North" mumbled George
"Then to the South we'll go" she smiled

Well she did go on, and so he gave in
Leaving half of his heart there
They moved to Surrey, their dreams of happiness died
Was it Mary's greed, or the stain of Black-and-Tan?

Sad Friend

If I could take your sorrows
All upon my self
Leaving you happy once more
I would, my dear

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Code Names

Keltex Sitwell Lunik Asfalt
Ryvel Acme Deen Philup
Rola Ritex Teknik Stenol
Intakt Huva Orange Rattan

Bova Epir Solto Mentor
Warbil Egrol Niox Vishis
Maypol Klingon Noxit Videx
Bicyl Allister Crabon Obsirv